lunes, 25 de octubre de 2010


 Here the Tv have more channels, but the shows and films more or less are the same, because in Spain we watch american channels, i didn't watch so much tv so i think we watch the tv more in Spain, there are spanish channels too but the most of them are mexican, but i also watch a FC Barcelona game.


In America the sports are very different.

There the sport is very important, almost all the people play one sport and they play it 5 days a week, my host play soccer and almost all the days they have something.
Many people of the school go to see the games.
They play two sports a year, one summer sport like football and one winter sport like basketball.
And the day before the game, all the teams meet to dinner and they eat pasta that is why it's called pastadinner.

A surprise thing is that the soccer is considered sport for girls.

And they have many popular sport, football, baseball, hockey, basketball, no like in spain that we only have 1 or 2 (Soccer, basketball)


Hi, my name is Javier, and i am going to ask some questions for my blog

- What is your name?
Sarah Lathrop
- How old are you?
i am 16 years old
- Do you play any sports?
soccer, softball, and lacrosse
- What is your favorite sport?
- Could you describe it?
sure, is a sport like baseball but with a big ball and only the girls play it
- Do you like music? What kind of music?

i like music. and i listen to pop, hip-hop, and rap
- What are you favorites songs?
best i ever had- drake
when i look at you- miley cyrus
shots- LMFAO
and drop it low- lil wayne
- What Subjets do you study?
gym hahaha
- Do you study gym?
noo. i was kidding. i study Pycology
- What do you see on tv?
Jersey shores, is a show
What do you think about the spanish people?
hmmm they have wikid good style! the girls dress soo good!
- And what about the boys?
they listen to good music!
- Would you like come to Spain?
yes hahaha

That's all, Thank you very much and have a good time

Friday 22th

Friday was the worst day because it was the last the day and we had to say goodbye to many people that i won't see again, but first we went to Sam´s classes, and then we had to take the bus to the airport, it was the hardest moment of the chance, but i hope see them in the future, i have to say them thank you vey much for eveything!

Thursday 21th

On Thursday we went to Boston to see the most historic places. At first a guide explained us some buildings, churches and the cementery, She was wearing a costume of the 17 century . The tour was so interesting.
Then we went to see the State house, there a woman explained us all the history, it was a very nice visit.

Then we had time to go shopping and see the city, i went to buy some souvenirs and see the Hard Rock Cafe

domingo, 24 de octubre de 2010

Wednesday 20th

On wednesday we went to the school, and then we went with the american students to the Fenway Park, the stadium of the tema of baseball Red Socks, and then the celtics game, it was incredible, i was very exited, and the celtics won! nad the best of all we got to appear on the big screen in the stadium six times!

Tuesday 19th

On tuesday,we followed Sam during her classes and then we went with Sarah to buy a soda, after we stayed at home, we played the Xbox with Sergio.

Monday 18th

On Monday we woke up early because we had to go to the Statue Liberty, it is smaller than all of us thought, then we went to the port, where we ate and we saw the Brooklin bridge, then we went to the United Nations, there could saw the Conference Room, it was intresting. Then returned to Milford, but i am sure that i will come back to this wonderful city!

miércoles, 20 de octubre de 2010

Sunday 17th

On Sunday, we wake up too early, because we had to go to New York, the trip was very long and tired, at least 4 hours, first we saw the fifth avenue, and there we had time to go shopping, the best shop was the NBA Store it was incredible, i spend there almost 250$,
 then we saw Central park and the place when John Lennon died,


after that we stopped in a place to see the Empire State building
, after we saw the Zone zero, it was espacacular to see that empty in center of the city, then we went to the hotel that was situated in Times Square, i like too much this place, after we went to see "in the Heights", a musical.

After we had time to go shopping and then we went to the hotel.

Saturday 16th

On Saturday we went with Paula, Diego, Pablo and Nicole S to Iparty a halloween store to buy the costumes, then we went to Boston to see the library, church, and the Prudential a very tall building,
in the evening we went to the Halloween's party, it was great, the costumes was very funny, and we had fun!

Friday 15th

On Friday we stayed at the High School because it was raining and the excursion to the musical store was canceled, so we stayed with Sam in her classes, in the evening we went to Sean's house because there was a party, there was many people there, we had fun!

martes, 19 de octubre de 2010

Thursday 14th

On thursday we went to visit the Keefe Tech a school where the student can realise the job no only study it for a exam, i dont like so much this visit but the best part was the lunch, we ate in a the restaurant that the students of cook do, it was delicious, in the afternoon we went to a Charla that some students who aren't in the Chance do, it was fun.

Wednesday 13th

On Wednesday we went to New Port, it's a place with a lot of mansions, we saw The Breakers and Rosecliff, it was very nice, all the things are very expensive and very beautiful, and the mansions are next to the sea, so there is a beautiful views.

Tuesday 12th

 On tuesday we went to Sturbridge, a town that it based in the 18th century, there we saw  all the town, the school, farmer, shoes shop... All the american students said us that it will be very boring because they went there when they were children, they were right

In the afternoon we went to PYNZ, a bowling, there we played bowling, game machines and Laser Tag That in spain we dont have, is very funny, we spent 1 hour in playing Laser Tag, we should open in spain!

viernes, 15 de octubre de 2010

Monday 11th

On Monday we went to Boston, we saw the museum of science, it was interesting and a little boring, then we went to the ducktour it was great, we saw all the city and then the bus got into the lake as a boat and we was playing the pool all the afternoon.

Sunday 10th

On Sunday we went to a maze corn, it was interesting because i only saw a maze corn in the TV, in the afternoon we went to Paula's house and we were dancing until 9 p.m it was realy funny, almost all the students of the chance were there.

Saturday 9th

We went to the iceking to skate, it was funny and dangerous too, then we went to a party at Leah's house, we did a bonfire and we ate so much. but it was very cold!

Friday 8th

On Friday it was the birthday of Carlos, so in the morning we gave him the presents, then we saw the movie "national treasure", after the school we went to the outles, and after that we went to the surprise party because of carlos's birthday, it was great we did a bonfire and we listened music.

jueves, 14 de octubre de 2010

Thursday 7th

On thursday we went at the Elementary school of Milford. We made two groups, one went to Middle East one the other to Stacy. It was funny to speack with the children about their lives in the USA and told them  how our lives were in Spain. Then we came back to the High School to eat the lunch and we went to the last class with our hosts, In the afernoon, i stayed with Carlos while the spanish students were buying him the presents of his birthday.

Wednesday 6th

On Wednesday it was planned to go to Sturbridge  but it was rainning so we didnt go, that's why we followed our host all the morning, at the last class Sam had an exam and we did it too because we didn't have anything to do, but it was all about the history of america, something that we didn't study that in Spain, we probably didn't pass the exam but the teacher gave us a A becasue of the effort, after we went to Bubble (a sports center) where Sam had a practice, then we went to soccer party that they do the day before the game, it was very funny, we danced american and spanish dances.

martes, 12 de octubre de 2010

Tuesday 5th

 On tuesday we went to the Spanish classes  all the morning, it was very boring, we had to answer the same questions almost 50 times and  sometimes they don't ask nothing, but it was good becasue in some classes we taught them how to dance typical spanish dances like La Bomba, La Macarena ..

Monday 4th

On Monday we got up at 6:00 after breakfast, Sam's mother picked up us to school. we had a meeting at the cafeteria with the others Spanish students,.it wasour first day in school, the american students showed us all the rooms of the school, it's very different comparative with our school in Spain, and then we went with Sam to the classes that she had, the chemistry was the most boring.
When the classes finished, we went with Samantha to her soccer practice. 

miércoles, 6 de octubre de 2010

Sunday 3rd

On Sunday, we went to parade that the team that Samantha train organized, it finished at a fair with many inflatables, at the beginning, we listened the anthem of USA it was interesting , then we went shopping and Carlos and me bought the new Ipod, after that we went to a party, all the Spanish and the hosts were there, we played basketball, soccer and other sports and we ate pizza, it was great.

Eating Pizza

Playing a sport similar baseball

Saturday 2th

The Saturday, we went to see a soccer game, where Samantha was the coach, the players were little girls, after we went to a soccer game that the guys of Milford high school played, the result was tie, then we went with Catie and  Diego shopping and then we went to Catie's house, there, we danced and song with "the sing star" and we made a bonfire then we ate marshmallows,  it was delicious!    



martes, 5 de octubre de 2010

First day !!

the first day when we arrived after a very tired trip and it was raining, we met the family, we went home to leave the bag and then went to see a hockey game that the small brothers played, I had never seen a hockey match however it was fun but they lost :(